arts council uk - accessibility infographic design
In partnership with Arts Council Uk and Appleyard-Fox Arts Consultancy, I conducted a study on accessible art to create a guide with useful tips, tools and general pointers. I connected with charities, online communities on Reddit and volunteers from an array of disabilities to gather insights.
This infographic design project outcome is to share this guide to connections associated with Arts Council and companies who deal with art. I am at the process of providing my network and agencies this document as a PDF to promote the details on social media, web and print based media.
esther appleyard fox art -esther appleyard fox art - contributor to arts council uk project
“I thoroughly enjoyed collaborating with Terry for his Arts Council Uk project creating an infographic exploring accessible tools in the field of gaming. Terry's passion and artistic skills are impressive as is his commitment to find accessible ways for people to engage.
His lived experience is also extremely important as this brings a fresh perspective to his work as well as an authentic platform to engage with, and understand, other neurodivergent people and creatives. I hope he can build on this work and get further opportunities to develop it in the future.”